
Some people say the Hope and Anchor is the best gastropub in London, but that’s not why we’re there. I’m taking my old man for a drink. There’s a first time for everything.

We never were a pub family, but my folks have come down to celebrate my graduation. It means more to them than to me, and why not? Mum’s gone off on family business, and here we are.

Dad offers to pay me back, but I tell him no. It means more to me than to him.

We talk about mothers, inevitably, his and mine. We’ve been lucky, we’ve got that in common.


– Mum’s done a lot for me. I’ve always had a job I loved, but she did what she had to do, coming to this country, working to put you through school. Without her I couldn’t have had the life I’ve had.

– Have you told her?

– No.

– I think you should.

– I know, I should.


Maybe he will and maybe he won’t. And maybe in a way he kind of has.

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